We provide everything you need for a successful venture in China, from dealing with the government to training your employees and everything in between. We care about how you look to others, where you get your products from, how you get your money, what your long-term plans are.

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Simply put, we’re invested in your future. And so we don’t just tell you what to do and not do; our services help you learn and understand this country for yourself, because true service is helping you serve yourself.

A Hand Through the Bureaucracy


A Hand Through The Bureaucracy
Services include:
  • Company & trademark registration
  • JV, M&A, transfer of companies
  • Import/export regulations
  • Customs information & compliance reports
  • Legal trouble-shooting
  • Z visa applications
  • Employment & partner contracts
  • Due diligence & inspections

Your guide to company & trademark registration, customs information, visas, import/export regulations, contract negotiation & supervision, inspection & other forms of due diligence, rules for web domains in China—anything and everything related to bureaucratic red tape that could tie you down or trip you up. Our advice always serves to protect your company’s best interests.

Why is this important ?

China’s legal system is notoriously complex and often contradictory to common sense. Paper cannot always protect you from the realities of China. For example:

  • Unless you have connections, you might never know which rule or regulation you’re not meeting, as this company found out the hard way for six years - before it hired professionals to help.
  • Don’t think you can do business in China right away. Trade approval may take longer and be more complex than you think, even in high-profile cases.
  • Intellectual property works differently in China, which has a first-to-file system, a rule that has cost foreign companies millions of dollars in court cases when Chinese companies register their name or technology first.
The Public Face


The Public Face
Services include:
  • Re-branding & Chinese branding
  • Company catalogues and presentation
  • In-depth market research
  • Consumer studies
  • PR strategy
  • SEO-optimization
  • Social media strategy
  • Content development
  • Design, logo, slogans
  • Advertising plan
  • WeChat OA development
  • E-mail marketing & newsletters

Brand development in all its forms:

In-depth customer comprehension, market research, and competitor analysis to form a solid, culturally-inspired marketing plan. We integrate business, culture, and psychology, new and traditional media, and local and international trends to give you the latest insights on the market—and how to best present your product. Can also include design, local logo, name, and slogans.

Why is this important ?

Your brand is your message to the world. When you translate that message to a different language and country, you cannot just copy & paste and expect to connect to the people there.

  • Branding as a Western status symbol and experience is what allowed Starbucks to break into a thousand-year-plus tea culture. It wasn’t really about the coffee at all.
  • Things that work in other places may not work for China, but the reverse is also true and Chinese culture provides many particular branding opportunities. For example, disposable diapers finally started selling in China after Procter & Gamble’s ingenious marketing campaign linking Pampers-wearing to better sleep and ergo, smarter children. A ploy that works only with Chinese parents.
  • Without officially localized brand names, Chinese consumers can demean brands with their own made-up nicknames. Referring to them by their logos, Quaker Oatmeal thus became “Lao Ren Pai,” meaning “Old Man Brand,” and Ralph Lauren “San Jiao Ma,” or “Three-Legged Horse.”
  • Meanwhile, when branding works, it works: Coca-Cola employees in China took a year to come up a phonetically similar name that also had an appealing meaning in Chinese.
Found in Translation


Found in Translation
Services include:
  • Translation & interpretation, both casual & high-profile
  • Deal negotiations
  • Exhibit representation
  • Trade missions
  • Match-making
  • Corporate relations
  • Local team-building
  • Sales personnel training
  • Recruitment in China
  • Employee communications
  • KOL marketing
  • Virtual & physical office set-up

Translation, interpretation, negotiation, exhibit representation, match-making & corporate relationship-building. With years of experience officially representing foreign entities in China, we will speak for you to get the best deals, find you potential partners, clients, and employees, and train you on how to approach Chinese investors and other opportunities.

Why is this important ?

You wouldn’t translate your business documents using Google Translate; only a human being understands the real context. In negotiations between cultures, this is more important than ever.

  • Interpretation is not something to take lightly, as the interpreter can represent someone for better or worse. The interpreter who serves China’s top leaders has been named one of the most powerful women in the world.
  • A single detail can derail a whole effort. The U.S. State Department and Hillary Clinton embarrassed themselves when they used the wrong Russian word for what was supposed to be a friendly gesture.
  • In China, friendships can defy traditional business logic. When a group of foreigners took over a Chinese hotel chain, they optimized Western performance but neglected guanxi: the slow, local process of fostering connections or relationships. They quickly lost almost all their client base.
From the Bottom Up


From the Bottom Up
Services include:
  • Contacting manufacturers
  • Sourcing
  • Sample-gathering
  • Distribution channel analysis
  • Operational logistics
  • Quality inspections

Every business needs to come from somewhere, and we make it easy for you with contact lists for manufacturers, supply chain management, distribution channel analysis, and other handling of sourcing & operational logistics. Also supply side quality-control inspection and due diligence to ensure your products are coming from and going to the right places. All so retail can go smooth as silk.

Why is this important ?

Due diligence on the supply side is especially important; these are the people who are going to be literally creating and delivering your products.

  • Chinese manufacturers and deliverers often take advantage of foreign companies by claiming nonexistent rules and regulations so that you enter unfair agreements. You need to know what is best for both of you, not just them.
  • Quality reputation affects you as a visible brand more than it can affect your supplier. When quality goes bad in one place, your whole international reputation is at stake.
  • How your product is distributed and reaches customers may be just as important as the product itself. Installing its own lower-temperature freezers in trucks and stores is how Häagen-Dasz ensured brand quality.
The Art of Business


The Art of Business
Services include:
  • In-depth regional analysis
  • Localization strategy
  • Competitor analysis
  • Market overview report
  • Consumer & pricing studies
  • Identifying opportunities
  • Sales plan
  • Local team-building & training
  • Long-term plan

Using market research & cultural know-how to form a comprehensive localized corporate strategy. Includes in-depth industry analysis, a sales plan, opportunity identification, and market overview reports—a big-picture strategic action plan that will help your expansion run smoothly and intelligently. Can also include local team-building & training so employees across the board are aware of your overall strategy.

Why is this important ?

So much of business is down in the details, but sometimes you need to see the whole forest.

  • What works in one country, or even most countries, may not work in China. Groupon has been an international success, but it lost out in China, the land of copy-cat sites and ideas, to local Chinese competitors. It didn’t help that they were employing the strategies they were using in Germany, and that only one person on their senior management team was from mainland China.
  • If your goal is not just to float short-term, but to establish your presence, you need a win-win strategy with the place you settle down in. Part of why Nestlé has done so well in China is because of the local strategy it’s developed, sharing their milk expertise with regional farmers, paving roads, and donating millions of RMB to Chinese disaster relief.
  • If you play your long-term strategy right, you can actually plant the seeds for future demand. China was not a country without any kind of green lawn culture until Chinese businesswoman Chin-Ning Chu, working for an American grass-seed company, came up with a counterintuitive proposal.
The Money


The Money
Services include:
  • Sales plan & contacts
  • Sales training
  • Bank and transfer management
  • Daily, up-dated accounting
  • Bank reconciliation
  • Bookkeeping
  • Financial planning
  • Investment & ROI calculations
  • Tax and fee processing
  • Social Security registration

From pricing studies to contract negotiation to foreign & domestic accounting, we help you handle your money before, during, and after you get it. Cross-border payments made easy for a country without a fully internationalized currency and that doesn’t generally use Visa or Mastercard. We do China banking services, Internet pay schemes (including WeChat and Alipay), off-shore accounts, bookkeeping, ROI follow-ups, VAT and other tax calculations, and more.

Why is this important ?

  • The RMB still isn’t a fully global currency and must be converted. Getting money in and out of China also requires maneuvering with popular e-payment platforms WeChat and Alipay, which are scarcely used elsewhere in the world. Not to mention the Chinese government is tightening its scrutiny to corporate transactions to prevent money outflow.
  • Financial fraud and various phone and Internet scams are commonplace in China, so much so that even toy giant Mattel fell for a simple e-mail scam, with USD 3 million on the line.
Sectors We Know Best


Sectors We Know Best
Services include:
  • Industry overview reports
  • Special sector analysis
  • Connections to KOLs
  • Mystery shopping experience
  • Industry contacts and relationship-building

We have years of hands-on experience in F&B, FMCG, manufacturing & equipment, the public sector, educational services, real estate, & specialty/bespoke items. We offer not generalities but industry-specific insights packed with firsthand knowledge. Details make the difference.

Why is this important ?

  • Different rules will apply to different industries, each with their particular opportunities and difficulties. Quality control may be a bigger issue in F&B and technology, while in China, educational services often require more relationship-fostering than other fields since it’s connected to the public sector.
  • Special sector knowledge is what allowed Chinese local brand Blue Moon to break into a detergent market filled with huge multinational companies. They truly knew what was missing in the laundry detergent sector for a particular set of clients larger companies had ignored.
When in Need of a Shortcut


When in Need of a Shortcut

Not sure yet what you’re looking for? Or have most things figured out and just a bit stuck?

We’re confident our China business expertise can help you, whatever the situation may be. If you have the right questions, we have the right answers; if you don’t have the right questions, we can point you to them.

Consulting doesn’t have to be a complex, drawn-out process. Schedule a problem-solving phone chat with us today for a simple 50 € / hour fee.


The best mistakes to learn from... are those of others, of course.

And, since history tends to repeat itself, so do the best successes.

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We have collected here some of the best and worst things companies have done in seeking to conquer the China market—the mistakes that have broken them and the strategies that have pushed them to the top. Our expertise is rooted in experience—we don’t just talk the talk—so we also present our unique LITAO approach in real-life cases with our clients.

We share others’ experience with you so you don’t have to make their mistakes, but you can repeat their triumphs.


From concept to completion, we are with you every step of the way.

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Below is a standard time-line of what to expect for a product entering China. Whatever stage you may be in, we help you optimize and implement your next steps.

This is where we find out who you are. Whether you’re selling a product, service, or raw material, we help you define and delineate exactly what you’re looking for. Whether you’re importing or exporting, here is where we develop your KEY MESSAGE: the words, images, and values that best describe your end product and that will resonate best with your target audience. Once you have the best definition of what you want, we protect your brand by starting the trademark process before you even enter the country. With China’s first-to-file trademarking system and notorious copy-cat businesses, protecting your product is first priority. Read more about the importance of protecting your trademark as early as possible.


We do extensive market research so you can find out exactly where you fit into the China market. Are you going for premium? Mass-market? In China, it’s almost impossible to beat local brands in terms of cheapness, so quality trumps all. We help you establish your unique selling proposition that grants you a place in the market while simultaneously finding the right price point for you and your clients, keeping in mind costs of suppliers and manufacturers. We also go in-depth into what other niche brands are doing as comparison. Here is where we inform you of any legal hoops you’ll have to jump through to bring your product or service into the country, from taxation to import regulations. No last-minute surprises.


Now you know who you are and where you’re going. But you need a communication strategy to bring it to the outside world. This means strategies not only for communicating to your end client, but also your suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and investors. We provide tailored communications strategies for each audience, and can provide interpretation for negotiations, signings, trade shows with promised leads, and other events. Here is where we apply your brand’s KEY MESSAGE from Stage 1. What differentiates premium brands from run-of-the-mill ones is how well they tell their story. (For a premium water brand in China, for example, the term “purified water” doesn’t sound good. The Chinese simply boil tap water to “purify” it—why would they buy it?) This stage is about BUILDING the demand with clear, new value propositions. We hire and train sales representatives to answer tough questions with pitch-perfect responses. This stage also includes setting up your WeChat Official Account—the king of social platforms in China and so much more important in this country than a web-site.


If you don’t have a ready-made product already, here is where we match-make you with vetted suppliers and manufacturers, according to your specifications, to make your imagination reality. Even if you already have sourcing, we provide invaluable due diligence on all potential distributors and retailers. Since you will be establishing a long-term relationship with your source, it is essential to find out as much as possible before any deals are made. We are experts at spotting hidden intentions. Remember that your own reputation hinges on whether or not you have a trustworthy and reliable supplier; you are held responsible for the final product, so a good supplier can make or break your brand both in China and overseas. After careful vetting of reputation and facilities, we can also coordinate on-site pre-shipment QC checks and warehousing/inventory management.


Now your product is ready to go, but don’t forget the middlemen: distributors. Import and distribution channels in China are complex and change frequently. Import procedures must be handled by licensed importers who sometimes act as distributors as well. However, most food distributors and traders are unlikely to hold import licenses so once again, we depend on insider reputations to find you the best distributor for your needs. This is also the stage for preparing all customs documentation. Distribution in China is quite fragmented, being generally handled on a store-by-store or city-by-city basis, with stores receiving most imports through a series of local distributors. This means that depending on where you want your product to go, you may need multiple different regional distributors. We help you keep track of them all through our own sustainable network of local distribution channels. Click here to read how Häagen-Dazs made a difference with distribution.


This stage includes all follow-up with clients for sustainable sales and other CRM, as well as employee relations. At all points, we will instruct and assist in keeping the integrity of your brand and making sure its vision and mission in China is clearly understood. We can also help you in technical services such as setting up a virtual office system, budgeting, quotes processing, merchandising, claims, and legal services.


We help you settle all problems with cross-border payments, including Internet payment and currency conversion. Unlike most international traders, Chinese ones can be reluctant to open lines of credit, so here is making sure your bottom line is met and all strings are tied. Includes regular up-dates, tax services, budgeting, auditing, financial planning and outlook, and ROI projections. Click here to read more about our Financial Services.


Consulting exists because you have a need that you cannot address alone. A space between what you currently have and what you want.

A problem or an opportunity. You call us because we have the unique expertise you need. And indeed, what you think is the problem may not be the real problem, and the solution too may not be what you expect. When you have a consultation with us, we leave you with clarity: who you are, why you’re unique, and why others should pay attention to you / work with you / buy from you. For a niche brand to penetrate a new market and succeed in China, it is essential to have a clear brand definition that is in line with the needs of the target audience. Miscommunication of both product and purpose is a huge reason why brands fail. And the responsibility for a clear message is always up to the communicator, not the listener.


The market is competitive, but our process helps you find your unique selling points and prioritize accordingly—so that you are not merely competing with other brands, but educating consumers and building a new market segment for your product. We believe in conscious business, which means working together for sustainable, long-term relationships—making allies out of competitors. You are on your way to success when you truly know what you want to achieve, why you can do it, and who else can help you.